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You are advised to read the following carefully before making any use of the information provided by Mandanex Capital Pty Ltd.


This Document provided to you has been prepared by Mandanex Capital Pty Ltd (Mandanex) on behalf of its Client ( the Company).

The Document is issued subject to the detailed provisions set out in the Confidentiality Agreement that you have signed. You are reminded that in the Confidentiality Agreement, you have undertaken to procure that all persons to whom disclosure of the Document is made by you, or on your behalf as permitted by the Confidentiality Agreement, are aware of the contents of the Confidentiality Agreement and adhere to the terms as if such persons were party to the Confidentiality Agreement.

The Document is being made available to you and your financial adviser for your exclusive use and for the sole purpose of assisting you in deciding whether you wish to enter into further discussions with the Company and its agent, Mandanex. This Document is not and should not be considered an offer or invitation to acquire shares or any other financial product in the Company. This Document has been prepared on the basis the recipients are persons who fall into the exclusions under the provisions of the Financial Markets Conduct Act.

The information and opinions contained in the Document are strictly confidential. Accordingly, the contents of the Document and any other information or opinions subsequently supplied or given to you will constitute Confidential Information for the purposes of the Confidentiality Agreement which you have signed and may not, without the written consent of the Company, be published, reproduced, copied or disclosed to any person other than your financial advisers having a need to know and who are aware that it is confidential, nor used for any purpose other than in connection with the proposed transaction. You shall be responsible for any losses accruing to the Company in the event of any unauthorised disclosure.

By receiving the Document, you agree that you will on request return or procure the return of this Document and all further information and material sent or made available in connection with the proposed investment in accordance with the terms of the Confidentiality Agreement.


This Document contains summary information about the Company and its activities, which is current as at the date of this Document.

The information in this Document is of a general nature and does not purport to be complete nor does it contain all the information, which a prospective purchaser may require in evaluating a possible investment in the Company. The Document does not purport to be all-inclusive or necessarily to contain all the information that a prospective party may desire in investigating the investment or the Company and may be subject to updating, revision or amendment.

The Document is not intended to form the basis of any investment decision by a prospective purchaser. Interested parties should carry out their own investigations and analysis of the investment and the Company and of the data referred to in the Document and should consult their own advisers before proceeding with any offer. The information contained in the Document will not constitute or form part of any offer for an investment nor will any such information form the basis of any contract in respect thereof. Any prospective purchasers must rely on the terms and conditions contained in such a contract subject to such limitations and restrictions as may be specified therein.


This Document is not financial product or investment advice or a recommendation to acquire the Business or Company, nor is it legal, accounting or tax advice. This Document has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of individuals.

You are solely responsible for forming your own opinions and conclusions on such matters and the market and for making your own independent assessment of the information in this Document. Before making an investment decision, prospective purchasers should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to their own objectives, financial and tax situation and needs and seek legal and taxation advice appropriate to their jurisdiction. The Company and its agent Mandanex is not licensed to provide financial product advice in respect of the sale of the Business and/or Company.

All information and opinions contained in the Document have been provided by the Company and the management of the Company and the Document has not been independently verified as to its accuracy. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by the Company or any of their respective directors, partners, officers, affiliates, employees, advisers or agents (and any warranty expressed or implied by statute is hereby excluded) as to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this Document or any other document or information supplied, or which may be supplied at any time or any opinions on the investment expressed herein or therein, nor is any such party under any obligation to update the Document or correct any inaccuracies or omissions in it which may exist or become apparent. In particular, for reasons of commercial sensitivity, information on certain matters has not been included in the Document. Such information may be made available at a later stage. While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information presented is accurate, Mandanex will not be liable for any errors in that information..

All assumptions used in the financial model are part of a continuous process of negotiation and due to this, may be subject to change.


The Document includes certain “forward-looking statements”. The forward-looking statements in this Document speak only as at the date of this Document. The Company and its agent Mandanex disclaims any obligation or undertaking to provide any updates or revisions to any forward looking statements in this Document. Any forward looking statements in this Document involve subjective judgment and analysis and are subject to significant uncertainties, risks and contingencies and other factors. Such risks may be outside the control of, and are unknown to, the Company and its officers, employees, agents or associates. Any forward looking statements including projections, guidance on future revenues, earnings and estimates, included in this Document are provided as a general guide only. No representation, warranty or assurance (express or implied) is given or made in relation to any forward-looking statement by any person (including the Company). Any forward-looking statements, opinions and estimates in this Document are based on assumptions and contingencies which are subject to change without notice, as are statements about market and industry trends, which are based on interpretations of current market conditions. Neither Company nor any other person, gives any representation, assurance or guarantee that the occurrence of the events expressed or implied in any forward- looking statements in this Document will actually occur.


In addition, please note that past performance is no guarantee or indication of future performance. Actual results, performance or achievement may vary materially from any projections and forward-looking statements and the assumptions on which those statements are based.


An investment in the Business or Company is subject to investment and other known and unknown risks, some of which are beyond the control of the Company, including possible loss of income and principal invested. The Company does not guarantee any particular rate of return or the performance of the Company.

© Mandanex Capital Pty Ltd